
Mudlet is still actively maintained (unlike a lot of MUD clients), it’s free, and it works on Windows, MacOS, and Linux. There is even an active Discord with more than 1000 members. If you’re not sure what client to use, Mudlet has a lot going for it.


If you’re using Linux and you want a good command line client, TinyFugue is still a viable choice despite not being actively maintained.

apt install tf if you’re using a Debian/Ubuntu based distribution will give you the last stable version (4.0s1).

It’s useful to create a .tfrc file in your home directory with the following contents:

/visual off
/quitdone on
/addworld -T'lp' gateway 6969

This will:

  • turn off the split-window visual mode (you can try it with /visual on, but off is cleaner)
  • set tf to exit after you log out of the mud (otherwise you will have to type /quit)
  • add the host and port information for GateWay (you can add more muds - tf will connect to the first one by default when it starts)

/help will let you access help docs from inside tf. Default keybindings are similar to bash or emacs (e.g. ctrl-p and ctrl-n for previous and next commands, etc.)


TinTin++ is another good command line client. If there are any TinTin++ enthusiasts who wish to provide more detail, please let us know.


A Windows-based client with two available versions: one last updated in 2008 that requires purchase to use beyond 30 days, and a free version that goes back to ~1996. It was very popular in its heyday, and for a long time was the Windows-based MUD client of choice.